Now Available on Amazon—Johnny L. Dudley’s The Bridge of Hearts: Building Trustworthy Connections
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The Bridge of Hearts: Building Trustworthy Connections
Available now as an eBook on Amazon.
“Returning not earning God’s love is the subject of a new book by lifetime scripture analyst Johnny L. Dudley. The Bridge of Hearts: Building Trustworthy Connections investigates God’s spiritual instructions for our acceptance in the most secret place of his heart. The simple pattern he handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai illustrates the seven steps the Levites took to enter God’s holiest place and commune with his Spirit. Jesus took the same steps to reinstate his connection with God after becoming the sins of the world—the same steps we must take to follow him through the narrow way that leads to life.”
Click to read the complete press release.
Click here to download a never-before seen chapter or buy the eBook on Amazon.
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About the Author
Johnny L. Dudley was born in Louisville, Kentucky, raised in Florida, and served in the Marine Corps as a machine gunner in Vietnam. He is the father of three sons and is presently engaged as a real estate developer.