“Following Christ has everything to do with removing walls and building bridges in the spiritual realm.”
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“…his understanding is beyond measure.”
“He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.”
Psalm 147:4-5, NRSV
Books by Johnny L. Dudley
This book is little bit about the AUTHOR, a little more about MAN’s common struggles to walk in love, but mostly it is about JESUS the CHRIST and how he has elevated our understanding of love to the highest possible level—the divine level.
In Christianity, angels are believed to be spiritual beings, messengers created by God. They are also depicted as powerful and benevolent beings that can provide guidance, protection, and support.
Many people believe they’ve encountered angels; for some, the realization doesn’t come until after the encounter has ended and the angel has left.
Have you ever entertained an angel?
THE HARVEST gives a clear perspective of the fruit God is cultivating in men's hearts, the seed sown to bring forth that fruit, and the events that will prepare the earth for the final harvest of that fruit.